This is my 6th picture from my 6th album for Becca and I am tagging 5 friends. At first I was concerned about how to find the correct picture because I haven't kept picture books very well. I was very good at cataloging pics on for the first couple years of Jaycie's life. I shared pics with family and friends that way. Anyway, it was very easy to find the 6th on Shutterfly! it is. Tommy with Jaycie when she was about 3 mo old. I loved that little green suit she has on. She was so chunky that she couldn't wear it for long. It looks like a picture taken after Tommy got off work at Steve Bailey Honda since that is his old work uniform. Well, it was fun finding it. I haven't logged on Shutterfly in forever so there were lots of pics that I haven't seen in a while.
I TAG....Rissa (love to see your blog and you are falling behind), Val (enjoyed seeing you so much at Christmas), my friend Charly, Bronwyn if you happen to see this because I haven't figured out how to get to yours, and Lexie --who I know has already been tagged, but I haven't seen it and I am out of untagged friend bloggers. Happy posting!
Jaycie looks so much like Gabe in that picture! What exactly am I supposed to do with this tag thing?
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