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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Young Women

Our ward reorganized the primary and young men and young women's presidencies, so I was released today. I didn't realize how hard that would be on me. I love those girls sooo much! I have been thinking of all of the fun things that we have done this year. One of my favorites was camp of course and the float trip down the river. There are so many others like the lake trip with the Polings and tubing behing the boat, bowling, craft making, etc. Here are the Beehives...Kim, Kayla, Megan, Camilla, Heather, Zoe at our "P" party (Pizza, Pigtails, Pajamas, and Personal Progress). I will miss all of the Young Women so much! They have such sweet spirits and are so much fun! It has been a wonderful learning experience to serve with them and the presidency!


Johnston Journal said...

Thank YOU! We were thinking the same thing. :) I loved working with you. Thanks for being my friend! ( That sounded like a total geek nerd huh!)

lexie said...

It is always a little bit said to leave a calling, expecially when you really liked it. I thought you guys did an awesome job with those girls. I know they will remember you always.
The tramp looks like tons of fun. I am sure it will be well used!